Source code for typed_settings.processors

This module contains the settings processors provided by Typed Settings and the
protocol specification that they must implement.

import logging
import subprocess
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, Optional, Protocol

from .dict_utils import iter_settings, set_path
from .types import OptionList, SettingsClass, SettingsDict

__all__ = [

LOGGER = logging.getLogger("typed_settings")

[docs] class Processor(Protocol): """ **Protocol** that settings processors must implement. Processors must be callables (e.g., functions) with the specified signature. .. versionadded:: 23.0.0 """
[docs] def __call__( self, settings_dict: SettingsDict, settings_cls: SettingsClass, options: OptionList, ) -> SettingsDict: """ Modify or update values in *settings_dict* and return an updated version. You may modify settings_dict in place - you don't need to return a copy of it. You should not add additional keys. Args: settings_dict: The dict of loaded settings. Values are not yet converted to the target type (e.g., ``int`` values loaded from an env var are still a string). settings_cls: The base settings class for all options. options: The list of available settings. Return: The updated settings dict. """ ...
[docs] class UrlHandler(Protocol): """ **Protocol** that handlers for :class:`UrlProcessor` must implement. Handlers must be callables (e.g., functions) with the specified signature. .. versionadded:: 23.0.0 """
[docs] def __call__(self, value: str, scheme: str) -> str: """ Handle the URL resource *value* and return the result. Args: value: The URL without the scheme (the ``v`` in ``s://v``). scheme: The URL scheme (the ``s://` in ``s://v``). Return: The result of the operation. Raise: ValueError: If the URL is invalid or another error occurs while handling the URL. """ ...
[docs] class UrlProcessor: """ Modify values that match one of the configured URL schemes. Args: handlers: A dictionary mapping URL schemes to handler functions. .. versionadded:: 23.0.0 """ def __init__(self, handlers: Dict[str, UrlHandler]) -> None: self.handlers = handlers """ Registered URL scheme handlers. You can modify this dict after an instance of this class has been created. """
[docs] def __call__( self, settings_dict: SettingsDict, settings_cls: SettingsClass, options: OptionList, ) -> SettingsDict: """ Modify or update values in *settings_dict* and return an updated version. You may modify settings_dict in place - you don't need to return a copy of it. You should not add additional keys. Args: settings_dict: The dict of loaded settings. Values are not yet converted to the target type (e.g., ``int`` values loaded from an env var are still a string). settings_cls: The base settings class for all options. options: The list of available settings. Return: The updated settings dict. """ for path, value in iter_settings(settings_dict, options): for scheme, handler in self.handlers.items(): if isinstance(value, str) and value.startswith(scheme): start_idx = len(scheme) value = value[start_idx:] value = handler(value, scheme) set_path(settings_dict, path, value) break # Only process a value once! return settings_dict
[docs] def handle_raw(value: str, scheme: str) -> str: """ **URL handler:** Return *value* unchanged. .. versionadded:: 23.0.0 """ return value
[docs] def handle_script(value: str, scheme: str) -> str: """ **URL handler:** Run *value* as shell script and return its output. .. versionadded:: 23.0.0 """ try: result = value, shell=True, # noqa: S602 capture_output=True, text=True, check=True, ) return result.stdout.strip() except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: msg = ( f"Helper script failed: {scheme}{value}\n" f"EXIT CODE: {e.returncode}\n" f"STDOUT:\n{e.stdout}" f"STDERR:\n{e.stderr}" ) raise ValueError(msg) from e
[docs] def handle_op(value: str, scheme: str) -> str: """ **URL handler:** Retrieve the resource *value* from the `1Password CLI`_. You must must have installed it and set it up in order for this to work. .. _1Password CLI: .. versionadded:: 23.0.0 """ from . import _onepassword return _onepassword.get_resource(f"op://{value}")
[docs] class FormatProcessor: """ Perform value interpolation / templating via Python format strings. Formatting is performed recursively as long as the value is a valid format string. No exceptions are raised. If format strings are invalid or refer to non existing values, they are returned unchanged. .. versionadded:: 23.0.0 """
[docs] def __call__( self, settings_dict: SettingsDict, settings_cls: SettingsClass, options: OptionList, ) -> SettingsDict: """ Invoke the processor to render all values in the settings dict. """ for path, value in iter_settings(settings_dict, options): value = self._render(value, settings_dict) set_path(settings_dict, path, value) return settings_dict
def _render(self, value: Any, settings_dict: SettingsDict) -> Any: """ Recursively render *value*. """ if not self._is_possibly_format_string(value): return value try: new_value = value.format(**settings_dict) except Exception: return value if new_value == value: return new_value value = self._render(new_value, settings_dict) return value def _is_possibly_format_string(self, value: Any) -> bool: """ Guess if *value* may be format string. It only detectecs if *value* is certainly *not* a format string and returns ``False`` in that case. If it returns ``True``, it may or may not be a valid format string. """ return isinstance(value, str) and "{" in value and "}" in value
if TYPE_CHECKING: from jinja2 import Environment
[docs] class JinjaProcessor: """ Perform value templating with Jinja__. __ Rendering is performed recursively as long as the value is a valid Jinja template. No exceptions are raised. If templates are invalid or refer to non existing values, they are returned unchanged. Raises: ModuleNotFoundError: If ``jinja2`` is not installed. .. versionadded:: 23.0.0 """ def __init__(self, environment: Optional["Environment"] = None) -> None: try: import jinja2 except ImportError as e: raise ModuleNotFoundError( "Module 'jinja2' not installed. Please run " "'python -m pip install -U typed-settings[jinja]'" ) from e self._jinja2 = jinja2 # autoescape must be False or recursive rendering will not work # properly. if environment is None: self._env = jinja2.Environment(autoescape=False) # noqa: S701 else: self._env = environment self._env.autoescape = False
[docs] def __call__( self, settings_dict: SettingsDict, settings_cls: SettingsClass, options: OptionList, ) -> SettingsDict: """ Invoke the processor to render all values in the settings dict. """ for path, value in iter_settings(settings_dict, options): value = self.render(value, settings_dict) set_path(settings_dict, path, value) return settings_dict
[docs] def render(self, value: Any, settings_dict: SettingsDict) -> Any: """ Recursively render *value*. """ if not self.is_possibly_template(value): return value try: template = self._env.from_string(value) value = template.render(**settings_dict) except self._jinja2.TemplateError: return value value = self.render(value, settings_dict) return value
[docs] def is_possibly_template(self, value: Any) -> bool: """ Guess if *value* may be format string. It only detectecs if *value* is certainly *not* a format string and returns ``False`` in that case. If it returns ``True``, it may or may not be a valid format string. """ if isinstance(value, str): for marker in ( self._env.block_start_string, self._env.variable_start_string, self._env.comment_start_string, ): if marker in value: return True return False