Source code for typed_settings.cls_utils

Helpers and wrappers for settings class backends.

Supported backends are:

- :mod:`dataclasses`
- `attrs <>`_ (optional dependency)
- `pydantic <>`_ (optional dependency)

import dataclasses
from itertools import groupby
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Protocol, Tuple, Type, cast

from . import constants, types
from ._compat import PY_39

[docs] class ClsHandler(Protocol): """ **Protocol** that class handlers must implement. .. versionadded:: 23.1.0 """
[docs] @staticmethod def check(cls: type) -> bool: """ Return a bool indicating whether *cls* belongs to the handler's class lib. """
[docs] @staticmethod def iter_fields(cls: type) -> types.OptionList: """ Recursively iterate the the fields of *cls* and return the :class:`.types.OptionInfo` instances for them. Fields of nested classes are only converted to :class:`.types.OptionInfo` if they were created by the same class lib. For example, if the parent class is an attrs class, the attributes of nested dataclasses are not added to the list of options. """
[docs] @staticmethod def fields_to_parent_classes(cls: type) -> Dict[str, type]: """ Map a class' attribute names to a "parent class". This parent class is used to create CLI option groups. Thus, if a field's type is another (nested) settings class, that class should be used. Else, the class itself should be used. """
[docs] @staticmethod def asdict(inst: Any) -> types.SettingsDict: """ Return the instances attributes as dict, recurse into nested classes of the same kind. """
[docs] class Attrs: """ Handler for "attrs" classes. """ @staticmethod def check(cls: type) -> bool: try: import attrs return attrs.has(cls) except ImportError: return False @staticmethod def iter_fields(cls: type) -> types.OptionList: import attrs result: List[types.OptionInfo] = [] def iter_attribs(r_cls: type, prefix: str) -> None: # Resolve types, optionally using the globals we stored in the class in # ".cls_attrs.combine()": r_cls = attrs.resolve_types( r_cls, globalns=getattr(r_cls, "__globals__", None) ) for field in attrs.fields(r_cls): # type: ignore[misc] if field.init is False: continue if field.type is not None and attrs.has(field.type): iter_attribs(field.type, f"{prefix}{}.") else: is_nothing = field.default is attrs.NOTHING is_factory = isinstance(field.default, cast(type, attrs.Factory)) metadata = _get_metadata(field.metadata.get(constants.METADATA_KEY)) oinfo = types.OptionInfo( parent_cls=r_cls, path=f"{prefix}{}", cls=field.type, is_secret=( isinstance(field.repr, types.SecretRepr) or ( isinstance(field.type, type) and issubclass(field.type, types.SECRETS_TYPES) ) ), default=field.default, has_no_default=is_nothing, default_is_factory=is_factory, converter=field.converter, metadata=metadata, ) result.append(oinfo) iter_attribs(cls, "") return tuple(result) @staticmethod def fields_to_parent_classes(cls: type) -> Dict[str, type]: import attrs return { (field.type if attrs.has(field.type) else cls) for field in attrs.fields(cls) # type: ignore[misc] } @staticmethod def asdict(inst: Any) -> types.SettingsDict: import attrs return attrs.asdict(inst)
[docs] class Dataclasses: """ Handler for :mod:`dataclasses` classes. """ @staticmethod def check(cls: type) -> bool: return dataclasses.is_dataclass(cls) @classmethod def iter_fields(self, cls: type) -> types.OptionList: result: List[types.OptionInfo] = [] def iter_attribs(r_cls: type, prefix: str) -> None: r_cls = self.resolve_types(r_cls) # type: ignore[type-var] for field in dataclasses.fields(r_cls): if field.init is False: continue if field.type is not None and dataclasses.is_dataclass(field.type): iter_attribs(field.type, f"{prefix}{}.") else: is_nothing = field.default is dataclasses.MISSING is_factory = ( is_nothing and field.default_factory is not dataclasses.MISSING ) metadata = _get_metadata(field.metadata.get(constants.METADATA_KEY)) oinfo = types.OptionInfo( parent_cls=r_cls, path=f"{prefix}{}", cls=field.type, is_secret=( isinstance(field.repr, types.SecretRepr) or ( isinstance(field.type, type) and issubclass(field.type, types.SECRETS_TYPES) ) ), default=field.default, has_no_default=is_nothing, default_is_factory=is_factory, converter=None, metadata=metadata, ) result.append(oinfo) iter_attribs(cls, "") return tuple(result) @staticmethod def fields_to_parent_classes(cls: type) -> Dict[str, type]: return { (field.type if dataclasses.is_dataclass(field.type) else cls) for field in dataclasses.fields(cls) } @staticmethod def asdict(inst: Any) -> types.SettingsDict: return dataclasses.asdict(inst)
[docs] @staticmethod def resolve_types( cls: Type[types.T], globalns: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, localns: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, include_extras: bool = True, ) -> Type[types.T]: """ Resolve any strings and forward annotations in type annotations. This is only required if you need concrete types in fields' *type* field. In other words, you don't need to resolve your types if you only use them for static type checking. With no arguments, names will be looked up in the module in which the class was created. If this is not what you want, e.g. if the name only exists inside a method, you may pass *globalns* or *localns* to specify other dictionaries in which to look up these names. See the docs of `typing.get_type_hints` for more details. Args: cls: Class to resolve. globalns: Dictionary containing global variables. localns: Dictionary containing local variables. include_extras: Resolve more accurately, if possible. Pass ``include_extras`` to ``typing.get_hints``, if supported by the typing module. On supported Python versions (3.9+), this resolves the types more accurately. Return: *cls* so you can use this function also as a class decorator. Please note that you have to apply it **after** `attrs.define`. That means the decorator has to come in the line **before** `attrs.define`. """ # Since calling get_type_hints is expensive we cache whether we've # done it already. if getattr(cls, "__dataclass_types_resolved__", None) != cls: import typing kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = {"globalns": globalns, "localns": localns} if PY_39: kwargs["include_extras"] = include_extras hints = typing.get_type_hints(cls, **kwargs) for field in dataclasses.fields(cls): # type: ignore[arg-type] if in hints: # pragma: no cover # Since fields have been frozen we must work around it. object.__setattr__(field, "type", hints[]) # We store the class we resolved so that subclasses know they haven't # been resolved. cls.__dataclass_types_resolved__ = cls # type: ignore[attr-defined] # Return the class so you can use it as a decorator too. return cls
[docs] class Pydantic: """ Handler for "Pydantic" classes. """ @staticmethod def check(cls: type) -> bool: try: import pydantic return issubclass(cls, pydantic.BaseModel) except ImportError: return False @staticmethod def iter_fields(cls: type) -> types.OptionList: import pydantic result: List[types.OptionInfo] = [] def iter_attribs(r_cls: type, prefix: str) -> None: for name, field in r_cls.model_fields.items(): # type: ignore[attr-defined] if ( field.annotation is not None and isinstance(field.annotation, type) and issubclass(field.annotation, pydantic.BaseModel) ): iter_attribs(field.annotation, f"{prefix}{name}.") else: json_schema_extra = field.json_schema_extra or {} metadata_or_none = json_schema_extra.get(constants.METADATA_KEY, {}) metadata = _get_metadata(metadata_or_none, field.description) oinfo = types.OptionInfo( parent_cls=r_cls, path=f"{prefix}{name}", cls=field.annotation, # type: ignore[arg-type] is_secret=( isinstance(field.annotation, type) and ( issubclass( field.annotation, ( pydantic.SecretBytes, pydantic.SecretStr, *types.SECRETS_TYPES, ), ) ) ), default=field.default, has_no_default=field.is_required(), default_is_factory=False, converter=None, metadata=metadata, ) result.append(oinfo) iter_attribs(cls, "") return tuple(result) @staticmethod def fields_to_parent_classes(cls: type) -> Dict[str, type]: import pydantic return { name: ( field.annotation if isinstance(field.annotation, type) and issubclass(field.annotation, pydantic.BaseModel) else cls ) for name, field in cls.model_fields.items() # type: ignore[attr-defined] } @staticmethod def asdict(inst: Any) -> types.SettingsDict: return inst.dict()
CLASS_HANDLERS: List[Type[ClsHandler]] = [ Attrs, Dataclasses, Pydantic, ]
[docs] def find_handler(cls: type) -> Type[ClsHandler]: """ Return the proper class handler for *cls*. Args: cls: The settings class to find a handler for. Return: A :class:`ClsHandler` that works with *cls*. Raise: TypeError: If no class handler can be found for *cls*. """ for cls_handler in CLASS_HANDLERS: if cls_handler.check(cls): return cls_handler raise TypeError(f"Cannot handle type: {cls}")
[docs] def deep_options(cls: type) -> types.OptionList: """ Recursively iterates *cls* and nested attrs classes and returns a flat list of *(path, Attribute, type)* tuples. Args: cls: The class whose attributes will be listed. Returns: The flat list of attributes of *cls* and possibly nested attrs classes. *path* is a dot (``.``) separted path to the attribute, e.g. ``"parent_attr.child_attr.grand_child_attr``. Raises: NameError: if the type annotations can not be resolved. This is, e.g., the case when recursive classes are being used. """ cls_handler = find_handler(cls) return cls_handler.iter_fields(cls)
[docs] def group_options( cls: type, options: types.OptionList ) -> List[Tuple[type, types.OptionList]]: """ Group (nested) options by parent class. If *cls* does not contain nested settings classes, return a single group for *cls* with all its options. If *cls* only contains nested subclasses, return one group per class containing all of that classes (posibly nested) options. If *cls* has multiple attributtes with the same nested settings class, create one group per attribute. If *cls* contains a mix of scalar options and nested options, return a mix of both. Scalar options schould be grouped (on top or bottom) or else multiple groups for the main settings class will be created. See the tests for details. Args: cls: The settings class options: The list of all options of the settings class. Return: A list of tuples matching a grouper class to all settings within that group. """ cls_handler = find_handler(cls) fields_to_parents = cls_handler.fields_to_parent_classes(cls) def keyfn(o: types.OptionInfo) -> Tuple[str, type]: """ Group by prefix and also return the corresponding group class. """ basename, *remainder = o.path.split(".") prefix = basename if remainder else "" return prefix, fields_to_parents[basename] grouper = groupby(options, key=keyfn) grouped_options = [(g_cls[1], tuple(g_opts)) for g_cls, g_opts in grouper] return grouped_options
def _get_metadata(metadata_or_none: Any, default_help: Optional[str] = None) -> dict: metadata = metadata_or_none if isinstance(metadata_or_none, dict) else {} cli_defaults: dict[str, Any] = {} if default_help: cli_defaults["help"] = default_help if "help" in metadata: cli_defaults["help"] = metadata["help"] click_config = { **cli_defaults, **metadata.get(constants.CLICK_METADATA_KEY, {}), } argparse_config = { **cli_defaults, **metadata.get(constants.ARGPARSE_METADATA_KEY, {}), } if click_config: metadata[constants.CLICK_METADATA_KEY] = click_config if argparse_config: metadata[constants.ARGPARSE_METADATA_KEY] = argparse_config return metadata