Source code for typed_settings.cli_utils

Framework agnostic utilities for generating CLI options from Typed Settings

from import (
from typing import Protocol, Union, get_args, get_origin

from ._compat import PY_310

if PY_310:
    from types import UnionType
    from typing import Union as UnionType  # type: ignore

from import Collection
from typing import Any, Optional

from . import _core, converters, types

__all__ = [

[docs] class NoDefaultType: """ Sentinel class to indicate the lack of a default value for an option when ``None`` is ambiguous. ``NoDefaultType`` is a singleton. There is only ever one of it. """ _singleton = None def __new__(cls) -> "NoDefaultType": if NoDefaultType._singleton is None: NoDefaultType._singleton = super().__new__(cls) return NoDefaultType._singleton def __repr__(self) -> str: return "NO_DEFAULT"
NO_DEFAULT = NoDefaultType() """ Sentinel that indicates the lack of a default value for an option. """ class DefaultFactorySentinel: def __repr__(self) -> str: return "(dynamic)" def __call__(self) -> object: return None Default = Union[Any, None, NoDefaultType] NoneType = type(None) StrDict = dict[str, Any]
[docs] class TypeHandlerFunc(Protocol): """ **Protocol:** A function that returns keyword arguments for a CLI option for a specific type. """
[docs] def __call__(self, type: type, default: Default, is_optional: bool) -> StrDict: """ Return keyword arguments for creating an option for *type*. Args: type: The type to create the option for. default: The default value for the option. May be ``None`` or :data:`NO_DEFAULT`. is_optional: Whether the original type was an :class:`~typing.Optional`. """ ...
[docs] class TypeHandler(Protocol): """ **Protocol:** Callbacks for the :class:`TypeArgsMaker` that provide framework specific arguments for various classes of CLI options. .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 """
[docs] def get_scalar_handlers(self) -> dict[type, TypeHandlerFunc]: """ Return a dict that maps specialized handlers for certain types (e.g., enums or datetimes. Such a handler can look like this: .. code-block:: python def handle_mytype( type: type, default: Default, is_optional: bool, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: kwargs = { "type": MyCliType(...) } if default not in (None, NO_DEFAULT): kwargs["default"] = default.stringify() elif is_optional: kwargs["default"] = None return kwargs Return: A dict mapping types to the corresponding type handler function. """ ...
[docs] def handle_scalar( self, type: Optional[type], default: Default, is_optional: bool ) -> StrDict: """ Handle all scalars for which :func:`get_scalar_handlers()` does not provide a specific handler. Args: type: The type to create an option for. Can be none if the option is untyped. default: The default value for the option. My be ``None`` or :data:`NO_DEFAULT`. is_optional: Whether or not the option type was marked as option or not. Return: A dictionary with keyword arguments for creating an option for the given type. """ ...
[docs] def handle_tuple( self, type_args_maker: "TypeArgsMaker", types: tuple[Any, ...], default: Optional[tuple], is_optional: bool, ) -> StrDict: """ Handle options for structured tuples (i.e., not list-like tuples). Args: type_args_maker: The :class:`TypeArgsMaker` that called this function. types: The types of all tuple items. default: Either a tuple of default values or ``None``. is_optional: Whether or not the option type was marked as option or not. Return: A dictionary with keyword arguments for creating an option for the tuple. """ ...
[docs] def handle_collection( self, type_args_maker: "TypeArgsMaker", types: tuple[Any, ...], default: Optional[list[Any]], is_optional: bool, ) -> StrDict: """ Handle collections, add options to allow multiple values and to collect them in a list/collection. Args: type_args_maker: The :class:`TypeArgsMaker` that called this function. types: The types of the list items. default: Either a collection of default values or ``None``. is_optional: Whether or not the option type was marked as option or not. Return: A dictionary with keyword arguments for creating an option for the list type. """ ...
[docs] def handle_mapping( self, type_args_maker: "TypeArgsMaker", types: tuple[Any, ...], default: Default, is_optional: bool, ) -> StrDict: """ Handle dictionaries. Args: type_args_maker: The :class:`TypeArgsMaker` that called this function. types: The types of keys and values. default: Either a mapping of default values, ``None`` or :data:`NO_DEFAULT`. is_optional: Whether or not the option type was marked as option or not. Return: A dictionary with keyword arguments for creating an option for the tuple. """ ...
[docs] class TypeArgsMaker: """ This class derives type information (in the form of keyword arguments) for CLI options from attributes of a settings class. For example, it could return a dict ``{"type": int, "default": 3}`` for an option ``val: int = 3``. It is agnostic of the CLI framework being used. The specifics for each framework are implemented in a :class:`TypeHandler` that is passed to this class. The TypeArgsMaker differentitates between scalar and collection types (e.g., :samp:`int` vs. :samp:`list[int]`. It inspects each option (field) of a settings class and calls the appropriate method of the :class:`TypeHandler`: - If a type is in the dict returned by :meth:`TypeHandler.get_scalar_handlers()`, call the corresponding handler. - For other scalar types, call :meth:`TypeHandler.handle_scalar()`. - For structured tuples, call :meth:`TypeHandler.handle_tuple()`. - For collections (e.g., lists, sets, and list-like tuples), call :meth:`TypeHandler.handle_collection()`. - For mappings (e.g., dicts), call :meth:`TypeHandler.handle_mapping()`. .. versionchanged:: 2.0.0 Complete refactoring and renamed from *TypeHandler* to *TypeArgsMaker*. """ def __init__( self, type_handler: TypeHandler, ) -> None: self.type_handler = type_handler self.list_types = ( list, Sequence, MutableSequence, set, frozenset, MutableSet, ) self.tuple_types = (tuple,) self.mapping_types = ( dict, Mapping, MutableMapping, )
[docs] def get_kwargs(self, otype: Any, default: Default) -> StrDict: """ Analyse the option type and return keyword arguments for creating a CLI option for it. Args: otype: The option's type. It can be None if the user uses an untyped class. default: The default value for the option. It can be anything, but the values ``None`` (possible default for optional types) and :data:`NO_DEFAULT` (no default set) should be handled explicitly. Return: A dictionary with keyword arguments for creating a CLI option in for a given framework. Raise: TypeError: If the *otype* has an unsupported type (e.g., a union type). """ origin = get_origin(otype) args = get_args(otype) otype, default, origin, args, is_optional = check_if_optional( otype, default, origin, args ) if otype is None: return self._handle_scalar(otype, default, is_optional) elif origin is None: scalar_handlers = self.type_handler.get_scalar_handlers() for target_type, get_kwargs in scalar_handlers.items(): if types.is_new_type(otype): otype = otype.__supertype__ if issubclass(otype, target_type): return get_kwargs(otype, default, is_optional) return self._handle_scalar(otype, default, is_optional) else: if origin in self.list_types: return self._handle_collection(otype, args, default, is_optional) elif origin in self.tuple_types: return self._handle_tuple(otype, args, default, is_optional) elif origin in self.mapping_types: return self._handle_mapping(otype, args, default, is_optional) raise TypeError(f"Cannot create CLI option for: {otype}")
def _handle_scalar( self, type: Optional[type], default: Default, is_optional: bool, ) -> StrDict: """ Get kwargs for scalar types. """ return self.type_handler.handle_scalar(type, default, is_optional) def _handle_tuple( self, type: type, args: tuple[Any, ...], default: Default, is_optional: bool, ) -> StrDict: """ Get kwargs for tuples. Call :meth:`_handle_collection()` for list like tuples. """ if len(args) == 2 and args[1] == ...: # "Immutable list" variant of tuple return self._handle_collection(type, args, default, is_optional) # "struct" variant of tuple default_val: Optional[tuple] if isinstance(default, tuple): if not len(default) == len(args): raise TypeError( f"Default value must be of len {len(args)}: {len(default)}" ) kwargs = {"strict": True} if PY_310 else {} default_val = tuple( self.get_kwargs(a, d)["default"] for a, d in zip(args, default, **kwargs) ) else: default_val = None kwargs = self.type_handler.handle_tuple(self, args, default_val, is_optional) return kwargs def _handle_collection( self, type: type, args: tuple[Any, ...], default: Default, is_optional: bool, ) -> StrDict: """ Get kwargs for collections (e.g., lists or list-like tuples) of the same type. """ if isinstance(default, Collection): # Call get_kwargs() to get proper default value formatting default = [self.get_kwargs(args[0], d)["default"] for d in default] else: default = None kwargs = self.type_handler.handle_collection(self, args, default, is_optional) return kwargs def _handle_mapping( self, type: type, args: tuple[Any, ...], default: Default, is_optional: bool, ) -> StrDict: """ Get kwargs for mapping types (e.g, dicts). """ kwargs = self.type_handler.handle_mapping(self, args, default, is_optional) return kwargs
[docs] def get_default( option_info: types.OptionInfo, settings: types.MergedSettings, converter: converters.Converter, ) -> Any: """ Return the proper default value for an attribute. If possible, the default is taken from loaded settings. Else, use the field's default value. Args: option_info: The option description for the attribute. settings: A (nested) dict with the loaded settings. converter: The converter to be used. Return: The default value to be used for the option. This can also be ``None`` or a "nothing" value (e.g., :data:`attrs.NOTHING`). """ default: Any if option_info.path in settings: value, meta = settings[option_info.path] try: default = _core.convert_value(option_info, value, meta, converter) except Exception as e: raise ValueError( f"Invalid default {value!r} for option {option_info.path!r} with " f"type {option_info.cls}: {e!r}" ) from e elif option_info.default_is_factory: # Use a fake factory function to indicate a dynamic default value, that is only # computed when the CLI is invoked (and not when the options are generated). default = DefaultFactorySentinel() elif option_info.has_no_default: default = NO_DEFAULT else: default = option_info.default return default
[docs] def check_if_optional( otype: Optional[type], default: Default, origin: Any, args: tuple[Any, ...], ) -> tuple[Optional[type], Any, Any, tuple[Any, ...], bool]: """ Check if *otype* is an optional (``Optional[...]`` or ``Union[None, ...]``) and return the actual type for it and a flag indicating the optionality. If it is optional and a default value is not set, use ``None`` as new default. Args: otype: The Python type of the option. default: The option's default value. origin: The generic origin as returned by :func:`typing.get_origin()`. args: The generic args as returned by :func:`typing.get_args()`. Return: A tuple *(otype, default, origin, args, is_optional)*: *otype:* is either the original or the unwrapped optional type. *default:* is the possibly updated default value. *origin:* is the possibly updated *origin* for the unwrapped *otype*. *args:* are the possibly updated *args* for the unwrapped *otype*. *is_optional:* indicates whether *otype* was an optional or not. """ is_optional = origin in (Union, UnionType) and len(args) == 2 and NoneType in args if is_optional: if default is NO_DEFAULT: default = None # "idx" is the index of the not-NoneType: idx = (args.index(NoneType) + 1) % 2 otype = args[idx] origin = get_origin(otype) args = get_args(otype) return otype, default, origin, args, is_optional