Source code for typed_settings.cli_click

Utilities for generating Click options.

from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta
from enum import Enum
from functools import partial, update_wrapper
from pathlib import Path
from typing import (

import click
from click.core import ParameterSource

from . import _core, cls_utils, converters
from .cli_utils import (
from .constants import CLICK_METADATA_KEY as METADATA_KEY
from .converters import Converter, default_converter
from .loaders import EnvLoader, Loader
from .processors import Processor
from .types import (

__all__ = [

CTX_KEY = "settings"

Callback = Callable[[click.Context, click.Option, Any], Any]
F = TypeVar("F", bound=Callable[..., Any])
"""TypeVar for arbitrary functions."""
Decorator = Callable[[F], F]

[docs] def click_options( settings_cls: Type[ST], loaders: Union[str, Sequence[Loader]], *, processors: Sequence[Processor] = (), converter: Optional[Converter] = None, base_dir: Path = Path(), type_args_maker: Optional[TypeArgsMaker] = None, argname: Optional[str] = None, decorator_factory: "Optional[DecoratorFactory]" = None, show_envvars_in_help: bool = False, ) -> Callable[[F], F]: r""" **Decorator:** Generate :mod:`click` options for a CLI which override settings loaded via :func:`.load_settings()`. Args: settings_cls: The settings class to generate options for. loaders: Either a string with your app name or a list of :class:`.Loader`\ s. If it's a string, use it with :func:`~typed_settings.default_loaders()` to get the default loaders. processors: A list of settings :class:`.Processor`'s. converter: An optional :class:`.Converter` used for converting option values to the required type. By default, :data:`typed_settings.default_converter()` is used. base_dir: Base directory for resolving relative paths in default option values. type_args_maker: The type args maker that is used to generate keyword arguments for :func:`click.option()`. By default, use :class:`.TypeArgsMaker` with :class:`ClickHandler`. argname: An optional argument name for the settings instance that is passed to the CLI. If it is set, the settings instances is no longer passed as positional argument but as key word argument. This allows a CLI function to be decorated with this function multiple times. decorator_factory: A class that generates Click decorators for options and settings classes. This allows you to, e.g., use `option groups`_ via :class:`OptionGroupFactory`. The default generates normal Click options via :class:`ClickOptionFactory`. .. _option groups: show_envvars_in_help: If ``True`` and if the :class:`~typed_settings.loaders.EnvLoader` is being used, show the names of the environment variable a value is loaded from. Return: A decorator for a click command. Raise: InvalidSettingsError: If an instance of *cls* cannot be created for the given settings. Example: .. code-block:: python import click import typed_settings as ts @ts.settings class Settings: ... @click.command() @ts.click_options(Settings, "example") def cli(settings: Settings) -> None: print(settings) .. versionchanged:: 1.0.0 Instead of a list of loaders, you can also just pass an application name. .. versionchanged:: 1.1.0 Added the *argname* parameter. .. versionchanged:: 1.1.0 Added the *decorator_factory* parameter. .. versionchanged:: 2.0.0 Renamed *type_handler* to *type_args_maker* and changed it's type to ``TypeArgsMaker``. .. versionchanged:: 23.0.0 Made *converter*, *type_args_maker*, *argname*, and *decorator_factory* a keyword-only argument .. versionchanged:: 23.0.0 Added the *processors* argument .. versionchanged:: 23.1.0 Added the *base_dir* argument """ if isinstance(loaders, str): loaders = _core.default_loaders(loaders) env_loader: Optional[EnvLoader] = None if show_envvars_in_help: _loaders = [ldr for ldr in loaders if isinstance(ldr, EnvLoader)] if _loaders: env_loader = _loaders[-1] converter = converter or default_converter() state = _core.SettingsState(settings_cls, loaders, processors, converter, base_dir) grouped_options = cls_utils.group_options(state.settings_class, state.options) merged_settings = _core._load_settings(state) type_args_maker = type_args_maker or TypeArgsMaker(ClickHandler()) decorator_factory = decorator_factory or ClickOptionFactory() wrapper = _get_wrapper( state, merged_settings, grouped_options, type_args_maker, argname, decorator_factory, env_loader, ) return wrapper
def _get_wrapper( # noqa: C901 state: _core.SettingsState[ST], merged_settings: MergedSettings, grouped_options: List[Tuple[type, OptionList]], type_args_maker: TypeArgsMaker, argname: Optional[str], decorator_factory: "DecoratorFactory", env_loader: Optional[EnvLoader], ) -> Callable[[F], F]: def pass_settings( f: F, ) -> F: """ Create a *cls* instances from the settings dict stored in :attr:`click.Context.obj` and passes it to the decorated function *f*. """ # def new_func(*args: "P.args", **kwargs: "P.kwargs") -> "R": def new_func(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: ctx = click.get_current_context() if ctx.obj is None: ctx.obj = {} meta = LoaderMeta("Command line args") cli_options = ctx.obj.get(CTX_KEY, {}) cli_settings: MergedSettings = {} for option in state.options: path = option.path if path in cli_options: # pragma: no cover # "path" *should* always be in "cli_options", b/c we *currently* # generate CLI options for all options. But let's stay safe here # in case the behavior changes in the future. cli_settings[path] = LoadedValue(cli_options[path], meta) elif path in merged_settings: cli_settings[path] = merged_settings[path] # else: # This is the case, when the default should be used and it is a # factory function. The _DefaultsLoader did not invoke it yet. settings = _core.convert(cli_settings, state) if argname: ctx_key = argname kwargs = {argname: settings, **kwargs} # type: ignore else: ctx_key = CTX_KEY args = (settings, *args) # type: ignore ctx.obj[ctx_key] = settings return f(*args, **kwargs) return cast(F, update_wrapper(new_func, f)) def wrap(f: F) -> F: """ The wrapper that actually decorates a function with all options. """ option_decorator = decorator_factory.get_option_decorator() for g_cls, g_opts in reversed(grouped_options): for oinfo in reversed(g_opts): default = get_default(oinfo, merged_settings, state.converter) envvar = env_loader.get_envvar(oinfo) if env_loader else None option = _mk_option( option_decorator, # type: ignore[arg-type] oinfo, default, type_args_maker, envvar, ) f = option(f) # type: ignore[assignment,arg-type] f = decorator_factory.get_group_decorator(g_cls)( f # type: ignore[arg-type] ) return pass_settings(f) return wrap @overload def pass_settings( f: None = None, *, argname: Optional[str] = ... ) -> Callable[[F], F]: ... @overload def pass_settings(f: F, *, argname: Optional[str] = ...) -> F: ...
[docs] def pass_settings( f: Optional[F] = None, *, argname: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Union[F, Callable[[F], F]]: """ **Decorator:** Mark a callback as wanting to receive the innermost settings instance as first argument. If you specify an *argname* in :func:`click_options()`, you must specify the same name here in order to get the correct settings instance. The settings instance is then passed as keyword argument. Args: f: If this decorator is applied without any arguments, this is the to be decrorated function. If you pass any keyword arguments, this is ``None``. argname: An optional argument name. If it is set, the settings instance is no longer passed as positional argument but as key word argument. Return: A decorator for a click command. Example: .. code-block:: python import click import typed_settings as ts @ts.settings class Settings: ... @click_options(Settings, "example", argname="my_settings") def cli(my_settings): pass @cli.command() # Use the same "argname" as above! @pass_settings(argname="my_settings") def sub_cmd(*, my_settings): print(my_settings) .. versionchanged:: 1.1.0 Add the *argname* parameter. """ ctx_key = argname or CTX_KEY def decorator(f: F) -> F: def new_func(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: ctx = click.get_current_context() node: Optional[click.Context] = ctx settings = None while node is not None: if isinstance(node.obj, dict) and ctx_key in node.obj: settings = node.obj[ctx_key] break node = node.parent if argname: kwargs = {argname: settings, **kwargs} else: args = (settings, *args) return ctx.invoke(f, *args, **kwargs) return cast(F, update_wrapper(new_func, f)) if f is None: return decorator return decorator(f)
class TSOption(click.Option): def value_from_envvar(self, ctx: click.Context) -> Optional[Any]: return None
[docs] class DecoratorFactory(Protocol): """ **Protocol:** Methods that a Click decorator factory must implement. The decorators returned by the procol methods are used to construct the Click options and possibly option groups. .. versionadded:: 1.1.0 """
[docs] def get_option_decorator(self) -> Callable[..., Decorator[F]]: """ Return the decorator that is used for creating Click options. It must be compatible with :func:`click.option()`. """ ...
[docs] def get_group_decorator(self, settings_cls: type) -> Decorator[F]: """ Return a decorator for the current settings class. This can, e.g., be used to group option by settings class. """ ...
[docs] class ClickOptionFactory: """ Factory for default Click decorators. """
[docs] def get_option_decorator(self) -> Callable[..., Decorator[F]]: """ Return :func:`click.option()`. """ return partial(click.option, cls=TSOption)
[docs] def get_group_decorator(self, settings_cls: SettingsClass) -> Decorator[F]: """ Return a no-op decorator that leaves the decorated function unchanged. """ return lambda f: f
[docs] class OptionGroupFactory: """ Factory got generating Click option groups via """ def __init__(self) -> None: try: from click_option_group import GroupedOption, optgroup except ImportError as e: raise ModuleNotFoundError( "Module 'click_option_group' not installed. Please run " "'python -m pip install -U typed-settings[option-groups]'" ) from e self.optgroup = optgroup class TSGroupedOption(GroupedOption): def value_from_envvar(self, ctx: click.Context) -> Optional[Any]: return None self.opt_cls = TSGroupedOption
[docs] def get_option_decorator(self) -> Callable[..., Decorator[F]]: """ Return :class:`click_option_group.optgroup` option. """ return partial(self.optgroup.option, cls=self.opt_cls)
[docs] def get_group_decorator(self, settings_cls: SettingsClass) -> Decorator[F]: """ Return a :class:`click_option_group.optgroup` group instantiated with the first line of *settings_cls*'s docstring. """ try: name = settings_cls.__doc__.strip().splitlines()[0] # type: ignore except (AttributeError, IndexError): name = f"{settings_cls.__name__} options" return cast(Decorator[F],
[docs] def handle_datetime(type: type, default: Default, is_optional: bool) -> StrDict: """ Use :class:`click.DateTime` as option type and convert the default value to an ISO string. """ kwargs: StrDict = { "type": click.DateTime( ["%Y-%m-%d", "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z"] ), } if isinstance(default, datetime): kwargs["default"] = default.isoformat() elif is_optional: kwargs["default"] = None return kwargs
def handle_date(type: type, default: Default, is_optional: bool) -> StrDict: """ Use :class:`click.DateTime` as option type and convert the default value to an ISO string. """ typ = partial(converters.to_date, cls=date) typ.__name__ = converters.to_date.__name__ # type: ignore[attr-defined] kwargs: StrDict = { "type": typ, "metavar": "[%Y-%m-%d]", } if isinstance(default, date): kwargs["default"] = default.isoformat() elif is_optional: kwargs["default"] = None return kwargs def handle_timedelta(type: type, default: Default, is_optional: bool) -> StrDict: """ Use :class:`click.DateTime` as option type and convert the default value to an ISO string. """ typ = partial(converters.to_timedelta, cls=timedelta) typ.__name__ = converters.to_timedelta.__name__ # type: ignore[attr-defined] kwargs: StrDict = { "type": typ, "metavar": "[-][Dd][HHh][MMm][SS[.ffffff]s]", } if isinstance(default, timedelta): kwargs["default"] = converters.timedelta_to_str(default) elif is_optional: kwargs["default"] = None return kwargs
[docs] def handle_enum(type: Type[Enum], default: Default, is_optional: bool) -> StrDict: """ Use :class:`click.Choice` as option type and use the enum value's name as default. """ kwargs: StrDict = {"type": click.Choice(list(type.__members__))} if isinstance(default, type): # Convert Enum instance to string kwargs["default"] = elif is_optional: kwargs["default"] = None return kwargs
#: Default handlers for click option types. DEFAULT_TYPES: Dict[type, TypeHandlerFunc] = { datetime: handle_datetime, date: handle_date, timedelta: handle_timedelta, Enum: handle_enum, }
[docs] class ClickHandler: """ Implementation of the :class:`~typed_settings.cli_utils.TypeHandler` protocol for Click. Args: extra_types: A dict mapping types to specialized handler functions. Use :data:`DEFAULT_TYPES` by default. .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 """ def __init__( self, extra_types: Optional[Dict[type, TypeHandlerFunc]] = None ) -> None: self.extra_types = extra_types or DEFAULT_TYPES def get_scalar_handlers(self) -> Dict[type, TypeHandlerFunc]: return self.extra_types def handle_scalar( self, type: Optional[type], default: Default, is_optional: bool, ) -> StrDict: kwargs: StrDict = {"type": type} if default not in (None, NO_DEFAULT): kwargs["default"] = default elif is_optional: kwargs["default"] = None if type: if issubclass(type, bool): kwargs["is_flag"] = True elif issubclass(type, SecretStr): kwargs["metavar"] = "TEXT" return kwargs def handle_tuple( self, type_args_maker: TypeArgsMaker, types: Tuple[Any, ...], default: Optional[Tuple], is_optional: bool, ) -> StrDict: kwargs = { "type": types, "nargs": len(types), "default": default, } return kwargs def handle_collection( self, type_args_maker: TypeArgsMaker, types: Tuple[Any, ...], default: Optional[Collection[Any]], is_optional: bool, ) -> StrDict: kwargs = type_args_maker.get_kwargs(types[0], NO_DEFAULT) kwargs["default"] = default kwargs["multiple"] = True return kwargs def handle_mapping( self, type_args_maker: TypeArgsMaker, types: Tuple[Any, ...], default: Default, is_optional: bool, ) -> StrDict: def cb( ctx: click.Context, param: click.Option, value: Optional[Iterable[str]], ) -> Optional[Dict[str, str]]: if not value: return {} splitted = [v.partition("=") for v in value] items = {k: v for k, _, v in splitted} return items kwargs = { "metavar": "KEY=VALUE", "multiple": True, "callback": cb, } if not isinstance(default, Mapping): default = {} kwargs["default"] = [f"{k}={v}" for k, v in default.items()] return kwargs
def _mk_option( option_fn: Callable[..., Decorator[F]], oinfo: OptionInfo, default: Default, type_args_maker: TypeArgsMaker, envvar: Optional[str], ) -> Decorator[F]: """ Recursively creates click options and returns them as a list. """ user_config = dict(oinfo.metadata.get(METADATA_KEY, {})) # The option type specifies the default option kwargs kwargs = type_args_maker.get_kwargs(oinfo.cls, default) if envvar: kwargs["envvar"] = envvar kwargs["show_envvar"] = True param_decls: Tuple[str, ...] user_param_decls: Union[str, Sequence[str]] user_param_decls = user_config.pop("param_decls", ()) if not user_param_decls: option_name = oinfo.path.replace(".", "-").replace("_", "-") if kwargs.get("is_flag"): param_decls = (f"--{option_name}/--no-{option_name}",) else: param_decls = (f"--{option_name}",) elif isinstance(user_param_decls, str): param_decls = (user_param_decls,) else: param_decls = tuple(user_param_decls) # The type's kwargs should not be able to set these values since they are # needed for everything to work: kwargs["show_default"] = True kwargs["expose_value"] = False kwargs["callback"] = _make_callback( oinfo.path, kwargs.get("callback"), user_config.pop("callback", None) ) # Get "help" from the user_config *now*, because we may need to update it # below. Also replace "None" with "". kwargs["help"] = user_config.pop("help", None) or "" if "default" in kwargs: # pragma: no cover if oinfo.is_secret: kwargs["show_default"] = SECRET_REPR else: kwargs["required"] = True # The user has the last word, though. kwargs.update(user_config) return option_fn(*param_decls, **kwargs) def _make_callback( path: str, type_callback: Optional[Callback], user_callback: Optional[Callback], ) -> Callback: """ Generate a callback that adds option values to the settings instance in the context. It also calls a type's callback if there should be one. """ def cb(ctx: click.Context, param: click.Option, value: Any) -> Any: param_source = ctx.get_parameter_source( or "") param_source_user = param_source in { ParameterSource.COMMANDLINE, ParameterSource.PROMPT, } if not param_source_user: param_source_default = param_source in { ParameterSource.DEFAULT, ParameterSource.DEFAULT_MAP, } # If the values does not come from the user, we may not want to add it to # the settings but perform additional checks: if param_source_default and ( callable(param.default) and param.default.__name__ == DEFAULT_SENTINEL_NAME ): # Don't add the value to the settings if it has a default factory. # The factory should be invoked later. return value if param_source_default and value not in (None, (), {}): # Don't add the value to the settings if it is a default. # If we did, it would override the original LoaderMeta. return value if type_callback is not None: value = type_callback(ctx, param, value) if user_callback is not None: value = user_callback(ctx, param, value) if ctx.obj is None: ctx.obj = {} settings = ctx.obj.setdefault(CTX_KEY, {}) settings[path] = value return value return cb